Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Well, I had the consideration of the D1 GT.
I can just do an epic up Seth GT today.

I had a nice allies party.
I chose an uncouth SF target.

I plan to be in allies with them at some point.

If you wonā€™t answer Iā€™ll find someone who will.

Well if you guys want my claim itā€™s


Tavern keeper


Also Rune, I would like to request you will not answer to Seth.
You, I and Paradox should all know not to give information just because someone asks.

Tell you what.
If itā€™s Day 4 and I ainā€™t Confirm Town you can GT me. Sound Good?

Yeah Iā€™m kinda indifferent about pkr I mean hopefully we have a random butler spawn and posion them at some point I donā€™t directly think they are ek but someone I wanna look into when I have the spare time

I can do it when I want and you cannot stop me.

Theirs nothing I can really defend against because the case against me consists of memes Iv made and me not playing or something

Sounds like someone doesnā€™t want to actually give reasoning.
Something someone who is ā€œforced and fakeā€ would say.

ryan if you GT surge iā€™m pushing a wagon on you tomorrow

who tf wagons kings

You know what Iā€™m ignoring you for the rest of the day PKR.
Maybe speak with an open mind with reasoning tomorrow.

I am going to laugh so hard if I do it and he flips scum.
Just FYI

But if you want to GT me, do it Day 4.

Plus your action is kinda already known as well.

So if someone really could confirm, I guess they would by now.

Alright I gotta go get ready for work

Pkr idk if you can trust me or not but I donā€™t advise using a GT to get your point across

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If you want a Point. You can find one day 4. Might not be the one you expected

Yeah but they think Iā€™m neut or something

Soul says my Execute might be bad but decided they didnā€™t feel like finding a better one

Yet they complain we arenā€™t trying

Kinda funny

Who were your targets? I think previously you were confused between Intensify and Insanity.