Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Yeah Light has allot of Genuine posts here.
None of them seem forced.
I Town Read That!

Ironic :eyes:

Are you saying that post of Surgeā€™s feels forced to you or are you referring to something else?

Big brain time - CRichard said this in order to escape from the PoE.

I have like Scum Gut Pings from this as it feels like something scum would say to remain Middle Ground.

Imagine saying this to the most obvious town/scum in existence

Most awkward SoD post this match is probably Coffee, tbfh.

The snappiness and the sudden dip is probably something to note.

Nah, I mean that post he has posted in particular seems forced to me, lul.

Other than that, nothing.

Do you know anyone who doesnā€™t try to confirm themselves as town?

No :^)

D1 lolcatting intensifies

I donā€™t disagree, they made several jokes and disappeared, and their tone is somewhat off as well. I canā€™t solely SR them because of this but I will take note of their slot when they return.

Iā€™m not offended by Insanityā€™s post.
Itā€™s just comedy that I didnā€™t ask for. But hey I donā€™t mind.

Saving this Wazza Opening in case I need it later.

I TR this opening post here.

Gets right into the game without hesitation!

Any wolfreads?

Am I the only one who has trouble making sense of this post from a townie PoV?

Seriously? How is this not fluff?

FrostWolfā€™s Opening Post

Runeā€™s Opening Post

Hereā€™s my opening post if youā€™d like it Surge.