Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Take it off-topic, you two.

ok can we stop? blames on me.

This is not forum of minecraft, guys

Yes, yes we can though. Letā€™s get back to the readlists.

No I was playing Hypixel with friends.
Anyways letā€™s end this here and let me go look at peopleā€™s ISO

So far Iā€™ve been having slight town pings from Whysper in regards to their Soul read being that it felt fairly decisive and lacks agenda. Wouldnā€™t yeet them tomorrow.

Wazza/Frost go either way as they havenā€™t bothered to do anything d1.

Insanity can get got.

So far they have ~50 posts and very few, if any, are game related or are just IIoA.

Hey, thatā€™s what I said
just more eloquently

To put it more precise, he hasnā€™t made any calls regarding peopleā€™s alignments yet, so yeah.

Fluff reading someone? thatā€™s meh I rather you read posts for the actual content instead of generalising like you have been

PoE for me rn is in Insanity/Intensity/Soul/Chaos and maybe Frost/Wazza depending on how they post.

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Actual zzzz play style from you

Insanityā€™s posts have been just IIoA, speculation, or off-topic.

As surprising as it may seem, spamming the thread about Minecraft servers does not further the gamestate.

ā€¦do you want to die?

Surprising as it may seem that might actually be normal for them

Lmao wtf is this

Donā€™t tell me to git gud >:(

I like this, but Iā€™d add Derps and eevee into it for now, at least until we get more from them.

Simple, stop pissing me the f off with the zzz comment.

I literally canā€™t focus throughly when Iā€™m pissed off.