Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

thats gonna take until D2 since they are basically waiting until for that day to arrive.

Focus on what pointing out the obvious? seriously you bore me


Then it looks like Iā€™ll be waiting until D2 to start solving their slots, I canā€™t clear or suspect them until they start posting.

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I canā€™t exactly force myself to make a readlist when no one is posting anything spicy.

This attitude repeatedly fucks BD over as itā€™s a waste of a day+night as nobody can form accurate targets.

Ghost Pepper Wings

welp, what are you gonna do. They are probably reliance on mech/vote pressure.

As in my attitude regarding their slots, or derps and eevee themselves?

Beep Boop Soul ISO

This is their opener, nothing really interesting going on here, a very NAI opener I would say. The only thing interesting was them asking for Allies, but weā€™ve already discussed this

I like this answer from them to me reading them nullscum due to reminding me of SFOL 63, itā€™s a very modest answer if thatā€™s the right words.

This is kinda bad tho ngl, but not like incriminating crap.

I do like that they actually brought foward a conversation starter for us when we were looking for one, however, this post can be really summarized into ā€œHow do you plan to play PKR?ā€

Another good question for progressing thread foward I guess.

So do you plan on going ISO diving now? We have more content, (kinda).

This is very meh to me. People not understanding why theyā€™re being scumread is usually a very meh thing, but I see a lot from villagers I guess.

This type of sass coming from anyoneā€¦ is usually very not likely to be scum. I highly doubt scum would go out of their way to make sassy comment like that. This is giving me more townie vibes.

Conclusion: Townlean
Thereā€™s some off-putting posts coming from Soul no doubt, but Iā€™m pretty sure he does this as town. Their ISO has also some fairly towny posts which I do like plus the fact that theyā€™re trying to push thread foward here and there is making me think town.

Derps and Eeveeā€™s attitude towards d1.

Alright Wazza ISO next I guess.

I think Rune is me from the futureā€¦

Rune trying to pocket me scum confirmed OwO?!?!?!?!

Thank you for clarifying, I obviously feel the same way. Though D1 is shorter with no executions, isnā€™t it the basis to start forming a towncore and a PoE?

Kinda chilling and playing Tol before I go to bed Iā€™ll be happy too before EOD hold me accountable for this

Is this going to be a game where I mind meld with Rune every time?
Sure looks that way.

Welp when D2 hits, we are going to pressure eevee/wazza longer than usual.

Yes, also these 24 hours can be fully used to make reads to plan out night actions.

Take for example FoL28 where the NK was jailed n1 and executed d2 because they were caught d1 or that a decent towncore was made which allowed Amelia to get several back-to-back red checks.

what? NK wasnā€™t executed N1, he was exed N2