Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Someone brought it up in the first place :eyes:

I know it is, which is why I am trying to shut it down after giving my take on the whole thing

Eh, I would like your opinion on this.

How are you so sure that they are not the starting scum 100%?

Who brought it up? I would like to know because this is the kind of stuff that derails threads and I honestly think wolves do crap like this

Em, yeah, it is rune.

And I honestly didnā€™t really see him as a wolf.

ā€¦sigh, it should be fairly obvious here.

Not so very obvious to me.

I have different views than you, okay?



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Intensify is strange

Nah, Iā€™d rather put a wolf converter in the towncore and never re-eval shit when said PoE keeps flipping town (and also not lynch the openwolfing scum converter)

I did it as I wanted to gauge what kind of motivation Soul had irt him repeatedly asking to become King.

I think itā€™s fine if he goes to allies rn.

Gorta, are you just trying to shade people with random reason :eyes:

I am not, Intensify is strange as town. Said player claimed a very confirmable role as prince and was so obviously faking stuff after claiming Alchemist

The second thing is because I never really got over SFoL 63

how about our healers use WiFoM

This is fine though

Huh, interesting. Funny kinda.

Itā€™s usually person who is the biggest threat or is known to carry games as scum who is converted.
I guess what we both want to say is ā€œConvert player who is good and will improve situation of his new faction the mostā€.

I was converted more than enough on n1/n2 to understand it, so for me day 1 is pointless.
Even more, a day where I donā€™t want attention to begin with.

Soā€¦ /shrug
I donā€™t agree with your point that day 1 is when the game start, when in reality it usually all changes till day 2 anyway.

Man, does it really bother you that much, Gorta? :grinning: Iā€™m truly sorry for that, but unfortunately thatā€™s just me. I use to hate your hating me, but now it doesnā€™t bother me. :slight_smile:

It doesnā€™t feel natural. It just feels fake (and not scum fake), almost robotic. Itā€™s too formal and the emojis

Why are we even discussing converts d1? It doesnā€™t make any sense

Were I a wolf then I wouldnā€™t be able to convert myself. I donā€™t see any other players besides me here as potential carries.

I donā€™t think youā€™d make a good convert were I the converter and you BD as itā€™d be fairly risky with the current gamestate.