Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Why are we talking about converts?

We can still find the converter, Assasin/RC, and the NK d1.

I donā€™t think I have a high chance of being converted as I usually ask for conversion protections at the EoD. Even if no CWs/GKs protect me just asking is enough to dissuade converters.

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As I said before, d1 priority should be to find the NK and both starting groupscum.

Iā€™m playing to my current wincon, not a potential future.

Or you try too hard.

God forbid someone take d1 seriously.

Alright, well, I am back.
Had mental health taken care of somewhat and calmed down.

It is time for me to catch up.
I will also likely decide on my allies then.


Early D1 was bleh, but Iā€™m finding that D1 is already picking up steam, so seems worth making the effort. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Iā€™m glad to hear it PKR. Iā€™ve returned as well for the time being.

I also canā€™t be available 24 hours a day, so the statement that I should play the game I signed in is bit too much to ask, however dont judge too harshly because forcing them to strain themselves into stress is not healthy play and when someone decides to offline read the players then I find the blame only on those who decide to read like that

Which is why I simply nullread people who havenā€™t posted much content yet as Iā€™ve noted before that i find activity to be NAI.

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We know Two Unseen/Cult and a NK is amongst us 17 aside from PKR. Iā€™ve cleared a fair chunk of them as BD and you alognside Wazza and Eevee in the PoE as youā€™ve yet to post anything AI.

I didnt know, my first FoL game.

Idk it was day 1 so i was memeing someone said holy wars so i said crus XD

Unofficially called Fluff Day, yeah

Thing is that I TR a fair chunk of players posting, so the ones who are no-posting are stuck in the PoE.

Thatā€™s how I operate and itā€™s a highly effective manner. If youā€™re BD and donā€™t bother making reads or playing the game at all, the fact that youā€™re in the PoE is on you.

I agree with this more than I disagree, I would just prefer for people to post and give content before I lock in a read of any certainty.
Chaos, just to clarify you werenā€™t referring to Crusader as a role, but as a meme relating to the holy wars?

Also, Itā€™s still early true, but what are your Allies thoughts so far?

whats PoE?

Process of Elimination.

It stands for process of elimination, Rune is trying to gather everyone that isnā€™t a townlean and place all possible scum in one area here.

Why am I not in PoE