Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I would like you to explain why. I like Light so far.

Pressure vote

you had one haha haha

Thatā€™s a good point actually fuck I need to learn to alt better


Seems more Nai to me tbh

Eevee is in another game at the moment correct? If so that could explain why.

It is
I just donā€™t like it as a play in general

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Iā€™m immune to voting d1 I shall open wolf d2

Someone get the self vote and AtE picture because we need it soon

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Self vote and ate is always a necessity my friend.

I am making an enquiry for Spiceā„¢ reasons but I likely would not follow through with it.

Guys can we theoretically pressure vote L1ght more? I want him to get onto theoretical L-1 today


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Nah, can we get you to L-1?

/theoretically vote Light

am i doing this right

Aight L1ght gives no crap about me voting him, towny I guess.

I might theoretically grand trial today.

/theoretically vote L1ght
D1: Theoretical Wagon Time

Fools! I have a bastard ability that allows me to make theoretical votes turn into real votes! Youā€™re all falling into my trap into mislonching L1ght day 1