Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Nah because it is only a theoretical vote.
You need to real vote and AtE. When it is like close to majority.


Iā€™m gonna start updating this every game

Alright whoā€™s nextā€¦
/vote Paradox

This is exciting! Being theoretically voted is theoretically fun.

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on a scale of 1-10?

You sound like Pathfinder from Apex Legends

Pkr being king sounds like a nightmare >:I

Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s a compliment but Iā€™m taking it as one anyways.


Another NAI reactionā€¦
Not sure why pressure voting works for othersā€¦

Because you suck at picking good targets

Most likely because thereā€™s only theoretical pressure as thereā€™s no danger of anyone actually getting voted today.

Itā€™s not like I theortically vote a person who isnā€™t on right now and hope for a reaction

Pkr in what ways do you plan to lead Blue dragon to victory?

Are you willing to carry? willing to make big plays.
or is it worth getting a smug butler to posion you because you are ek.

Strong lead allies me allies the ohther ally then we work together to carry.

me no like this post

/Theoretical Vote Soul
Talk or I will out you as Poss jumping KIng again next game

Nice way to say other idiot

ok you impatient boy, why donā€™t you wait?

I would actually like to hear from PKR about what he plans to do as King.

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