Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I am sorry I had some actual sleep for once and just woke up.

Jk, we cool.

Lol, Iā€™m glad to hear it. A well-rested King is all the better for us.
i say as i didnā€™t sleep til 7am

I did not sleep for a fair few days but had a few hours just x3

EoD in an hour right?

Hmm when is EOD?

Yep End of Day is in an hour. Day 1 is apperently 24 hours, so thatā€™s interesting

nah just wanted you to be clear Iā€™m perfectly fine with that owo.

donā€™t change it last minute or I night kill you

Aight so I assume PKR will ally Rune and Paradox tonight?
Thatā€™s fine I guess.
Iā€™ll go solving on my own tonight.


Anyone have any last minute thoughts before N1 that need to be shared?

Paradox ISO beep boop

Their opener. Another NAI opener.
Whatā€™s with these NAI openers

Defeating the whole purpose of an alt isā€¦ questionable

Signs of trying to progress thread state forward is good

More progression postā€¦

Fair read I guess.


Reads, nothing too spicey tbh.
I guess I wouldnā€™t disagree with most of themā€¦

Another progression post, this is looking good

Awww thatā€™s so cuteā€¦
Paradox thinks town is competent

Conclusion: Townread
Ok so despite them having 200 posts, most of it hasnā€™t been too AI for me. However, his ISO does still look pretty good. Lot of towny posts coming from them and they also have a good tone, so I will read them for the same reasoning I did for CRich, which is a townread for good tone and good ISO in general.

You mightā€™ve answered this already @Paradox, but how do you feel about Chaos now that theyā€™ve posted a bit more?

Why do we want people to claim night actions before night actually?

I have answered it, but Iā€™m happy to clarify again. I think Chaos is much more of an obvious townlean than they were before they picked up posting again. All the questions and the unashamed attitude regarding them ping me as newbtown, and remind me of my own newbtown games when I first joined.

Weā€™re not? Weā€™re just deciding Allies tonight. We do this like literally every FOL and SFOL

PKR has the highest chance to be evil out of all of us technically speaking
if he is EK, a pre-made allies group gives him less wiggle room to slide in a non-solver to basically stagnate the allies chat

Yeah, why.

Because I would like people to solve?
Allies was literally made (I think) for the King to pick people who he wants and solve with them in night chat.

Charmed, but, I am not like those damned evil kings.
I have big plans.

Heck, I was gonna D1 GT if it could lead to an execution.