Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

this looks really weak honestly

Like I don’t even think I’m that great and I seem to be the only one who picked up on prince other then rune

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If you did anything N3, it should have been an attempt to CS paradox or like a logical guard at all.
Like soul as a guard makes much more sense even if you missed the soft.


What do you want me to do, lie and say I CS’ed Paradox or something? Cause I didn’t.

I think he’s just a wolf.

Basically now we just need to sort out of he’s the NK or Assassin.

Considering how he had pretty much no interactions with the game at large… yeah, this’ll be a fun task.

seth absolutely doesn’t sound like his wolf self
he’s not starting groupscum and nobody would ever convert him when i’m still alive
i have a 100% read on him. not trying to brag but it’s true.

i’m trying to find examples of him pushing people in his iso. the fact i don’t remember him pushing anyone is really strange and makes me think he could just be the nk here.

I think we go light here honestly I dunno if you wanna go quickly or prolong the game and wait so we have a smart lonch but I feel like I’ll just lynch light anyway

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I feel like Light is the right choice but we should not just skip over the day when we can try and resolve stuff via claims and logical piecing together.

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pkr could still be a nontown king but i’m not interested in going there right now. his iso is like… i don’t have many faults with it but it’s not super bad either.

I’m going to have to respectfully decline my death.

the light choice

I am going to have to respectfully overrule.

also the only viable converts alive right now have contrasting metas in some way so that’s gonna be fun.

I’m going to have to irrespectfully decline my death as well.

i don’t know about rune, i’m talking about everyone else.

Lets look at the world when it comes to Seth.
If Seth is the Assassin turned MM.
Then the kill did not come from Seth on his claimed Archer target.

The question is, where it came from.

Pkr you still have allies right?

I do indeed.
I have been scrimping and saving.

Does Assassin have Suicide? If so then that’s literally the only way Seth is the Assasin->MM.

like you never really bothered with allies N2/N3 like I wanted you to but whateves I wanted to tell you the prince so you could protect them