Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

then why is moleland suggesting that I vote to elect simon

Do you win if Simon becomes King? He can block you, right? Or are you occupy immune tonight?

im saying that because of royal finger before trial, the votes will tie and there will be no trial

3 votes someone up

unless theres a tie!

So a King is elected and the game ends faster

Because he has hopes of winning by killing everybody

And if we can’t recruit you tonight we must fight

Basically, he wants more enemies that must kill each other instead of one unified force


He’s this game’s Serial Killer

And if there are Mafia and Town left that must kill each other he wins more easily than if there is just Mafia

But Possessor never wins :stuck_out_tongue:

@Moleland Ik I just replaced in to fill the spot

but I’d rather end it with a win xD

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You won’t win

Siding with him because it’s harder to win as Possessor isn’t an option either

We still immediately lynch him no matter who is King

Only difference is if you join us in victory

You think so?

I know so.

Ingeel is a decent guy, he’ll see the light.

unless they dont lynch with you, mole

You think you’ll all win? Lel

In any event, Ingeel probably won’t show up and the King election will end before there’s a King :stuck_out_tongue:

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Unless PKR snags it

Oh yeah @snapshot112 the other reason to side with us is so the last remaining player, @PokemonKidRyan, who is currently dead but can still kill us, can finally die for good and we all win

If you stay BD that is harder

We’ll see. I can be pretty sneaky :stuck_out_tongue:

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