Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Damn and here I was thinking we didn’t have to put up with his loud mouth Kappa

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Eevee literally said so

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As if Revenant wasn’t hard enough to kill in the first place :expressionless:

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You know what would be funny?

If PKR bound to me, thus, merc is able to kill Orange, Jammy or Moleland.

(Btw, Merc, if you can tonight, kill Orange)

If possible, I’d like to either be recruited by Sheriff or Smite’d tonight. I honestly don’t like Observer and having a confirmed Knight on the team would be useful.

Not sure it can rebound though? We never voted for pkr after all.

Observer is super useful.

Yeah, absolutely. But if I’m recruited by Sheriff, we can confirm Unseen. If I’m not and instead, Smited, we can confirm Cult.


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I don’t think Orange is lying doe

Why do you continue to push for somebody who is confirmed to not be Alchemist, nor Assassin, nor Neutral Killing, leaving the only scum role he could be as the Mastermind? Not to mention it should be readily apparent I’m not the Mastermind as soon as the converted BR member makes any sort of move?

I legitimately can think of no reason for such a push, unless you believe I’m Mastermind. In that case, just RB me. I’ll be really useless, and I’d very much prefer to not be, but I’ll take it over lynching a decently important role (especially with two observer claims). If you think I’m MM, lynching me is worse than RBing me anyways. Unless you’re just scum looking for a chance to off me while the possibility still exists that I could be MM, before that’s entirely disproved.


I would be comfortable with Plex being Knighted by the Sheriff

Maybe we can stop fighting for once :stuck_out_tongue:

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It also confirms to me who the Sheriff is.

I’d be confirmed (somewhat).
I’d know who Sheriff is, Prince can jail me, I’ll tell Prince who Sheriff is.

I’ll then guard Sheriff/Prince.



That’s actually a damn good plan right there

I like it. Hope it’s Unseen game just as we believe it is.

It mathematically has to be

Unless you can explain two kills N1 with no dead Acolyte and a Revenant

Physician healed the Acolyte :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay fine lol

But nobody is dumb enough to sacrifice the Acolyte night 1

I told you, I’m not just a devilishly handsome face.

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Can we get like two more votes on Unknown please

I’d like to hear his claim if he says he’s not Mercenary

Because he’s totally Mercenary

Alright fine.
/unvote Blackandyellow6
/vote Unknown

How about we dont?