Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

I didn’t claim non Town. I claim good king.

Posse Comitatus is a day ability, right?

Also worth noting that your vote can literally only be correct if I’m Mastermind, which I should hopefully be proven to not be soon…

Wait a second…

A second already pass

I think I have an idea for where that kill on NozBugz came from if it wasn’t a second NK or an Alchemist…

(both of which are still possibilities, I just remembered another possibility)

Here’s eevee talking about Kings in the OP:

How do we feel about an 11% chance vs Alch/NK? I’m not necessarily convinced that Dama is Psychopathic, but I just remembered that that may explain the other kill - satisfying Occam’s razor and explaining Dama’s push on me.

im actually voting for orange based on how aggressive hes being[quote=“orangeandblack5, post:519, topic:2058”]
Sheriff (@Unknown???) uses Posse Comitatus on ThePlex

i think there’s a hole in this plan…

I think Orange is losing his marbles.

Also, what’s the point in asking a king for his Alignment when you’re just gonna fucking doubt it anyway? You’re a grade A twat for that.

At least give it a day or two before deciding the King’s a bonefide evil.

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Just because I’m Neutral, you don’t trust me?
Look I’m dead anyway.
There’s no need for me to lie, I’m not alligned to Unseen or Cult.
So come on now, no reason to not trust me

Yes, that’s what I was thinking meanwhile on work. If Dama flips Psychopatic King then he’s responsible for NozBugz death or if he flips Cult King, that means Unknown’s claim is fake one and we got cult game instead.


/Vote Damafaud

He will find nothing suspicious on me, I can guarantee you much.

but what if he flips neutral, BD, or BR, which is the more likely option

He changed from Good to neutral, which can be lot of neutral-aligned kings, so let’s consider with alternative scenario that if this turns out to be cult game, this means Unknown’s claim is all but null and should be imprisoned immediately however that means there’s indeed second NK or Alchemist who’s working against Blue Dragons.

Let me rephrase: if Damafaud flips NKing then that means either this:

  1. Unseen or NKing attempt to attack orangeandblack5 and NozBugz is killed either by Unseen or NKing.

  2. This is cult game and NKing attempt to eliminate Orangeandblack5 and will likely do so again or Dama killed NozBugz, then that means the only other classes capable that would have attempted to take Orangeandblack5’s life is either Alchemist, Possessor or Knight.

And let’s rephrase to what happens if Damafaud flips Cult King instead:

  1. Unknown lied with this claim and should be executed by Prince immediately (That is if he’s not Possessor) and that means the Possessor killed NozBugz through ThePlex which PurpleyPete admits visiting him.

  2. Continuation of the first reason, is that PurpleyPete is the Fool and there’s no Possessor which this can be only one class to be the killer which is the Alchemist - but you see the contradiction? The second reason is non-existent.

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They’re using the new kings?

King: (Good (33%) / Evil (Unseen or Cult) (33%) / Coward (11%) / Fanatical (11%) / Greedy (Promotion only) / Mad (Promotion only) / Psychopathic (11%))

Orangeandblack5 also considered this.

The Mad King is not possible, because yes this explains occupation on ThePlex but Orangeandblack5 claimed to be attacked in jail and NozBugz is killed.

If this is indeed Alchemist’s doing then there’s no second NK and proved Dama’s true role as mad king thus also eliminate cult game possibility.

So either Alchemist or Knight has attempted to take life on Orangeandblack5 on jail, because if that was Knight’s doing and Orangeandblack5 is not BD, then Knight did not suicide.
