Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Pocessor is not a killer
It’s the one controlled that kills
Am I missing somthing
Fol is meant to update with tol

Princess finds BD apparently…

So if Princess checks you, you come back BD, that confirms you are not Possessor

Good, no need to ask twice to follow your plan.

Ok I thought it was meant to update with every patch but ok

I still think frost is scum

Princess finds Killers.

Okay then, so we’re set for a decent night :thumbsup:

I just need @orangeandblack5’s approval. Hoping that, either he or Moleland will be jailed tonight and we can start building up a decent claim list by Day 4.

Class Card thread: The Princess
Blue Dragon Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - If the King dies, you may become the next king by stating “I shall be the King” in the thread
Flirt (Night) - Check if a player is a member of the Blue Dragon at night - Infinite Uses
Will-o-wisp (Night) - Learn the names of everyone who visits you tonight, 2 random others shall also be informed - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, The Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

I thought official fol was meant to start a new game with the latest patch at the creation of the game?

The Princess
Blue Dragon Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - If the King dies, you may become the next king by stating "I shall be the King" in the thread
Flirt (Night) - Determine if a player’s class is a killer - Infinite Uses
Will-o-wisp (Night) - Learn the names of everyone who visits you tonight, 2 random others shall also be informed - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, The Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you
Converts into The Duchess or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alts:
(Will-o-wisp) Eyes of Corax - The whole cult will learn the names of everyone who visits you.

That’s from the clean thread



If Pete is Butler - He’s Blue Dragon
If Pete is Possessor - He’s Neutral AND Killer

If Princess finds BD - He’s Butler
If Princess finds Killer - He’s Possessor


Pocessor is not the actual killer
Can’t remember what it shows in tol

No but the actual Possessor IS.

I’ve only had 1 pocessor game so don’t know its type

Alright, so yeh.

If Princess finds not killer- may be servant or fool.
Do you know the difference now?

Of course but at least we know he’s not Possessor, which removes that doubt and we can put less focus on Pete being a Killer, ya dig?

hmm yeah.

Okay. I’m glad we’re agreeing to the plan.

Sadly, we’re not confirmed to have most of the Classes I listed with instructions but hopefully we get somewhere.

I’m going to bed now because I’ve spent the last 12 hours dog sitting. Tally ho!

The Plan for tonight:

Still won’t trust you if you say your knighted
Seems like a way to out sheriff and Prince
Which will cause harm to us.
PLEX is to smart for his own good

Ingeel and Mantichora are proded for inactivity.