Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Or should I say, I succeed.

Well, Hippolytus, what are you going to do tonight?

that ^


I just like GM steps in and say what’s possible and not, don’t take it personally of course. I know for sure that I didn’t vote PKR for once this game.

So that’s kind of Hippo’s logic now being contradicted.


No Lynch - 5 - Unknown, Pete, Moleland, Frost Fade

Majority = 5/6

Contract to revenant works like contract to a person to whom revenant is bound with.

So if any of you voted the host, merc can kill a person who voted the host for the revenant.

Hmm, I will dig in for this and that might bring up new light.

Turns out no one voted PKR before Day 2 and Merc has been converted to Sellsword.


Someone explain him how it works.

I already tried. It failed.

No thanks, Hippo just need to learn to accept it.

Are you argueing with way how host would solve such a situation if it happened?



The participants have discussed over this before what we should proceed with next night and these actions are necessary not without cost.

Who was voted, even if for a second yesterday?

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Hippolytus is acting scummy even for being BD, I am not going to repeat for him.

why tho

the revenant isn’t that person

They are technicly inside a person, so well


It’s not like I can pm revenant creator and ask him, if he is playing, right?

that’s she

but I see your point



Word creator is a male type. At least I am used to word genders, cause I’m polish.

Anyway, I will have a lot of balance notes about revenant for you after the game.

Mercenary on PKR? Check

Someone voted PKR at Day 1? Blank

Mercenary used prevent Night 1? Check

Unseen converted Mercenary Night 1? Check

Sellsword use Revenge Day 2? Check

PKR, if you’re generous - feel free to attack either Fade or Unknown. So this charade can end.

how will that do anything? if ether of us proves our self’s and pkr kills the wrong person. then it was a mistake frostwolf