Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

Actually you only need one more step and nobody will vote me so /step up

/elect Fade

lol we did the same thing :stuck_out_tongue:

To late

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Look guys.
I don’t think you realise just how bad this is right now.
Do we know that we have some roles?
As I don’t think we necessarily have everything you think.

##King election votes:

Fade - 1 - orange
Pete - 0


For one, I was attacked in jail night 1

For one, that’s a lie.
For two… I think you’re missing what I’m saying.
But as I’m Neutral I have no reason to tell

It’s not a lie

I have literally no reason to lie to a dead Neutral

I’m not gone yet

Still no reason for me to lie about being attacked in jail :roll_eyes:

but lie to the living bd yes

You guys stopped listening to me lol

I blame Frost for this

I have proven frost

I blame Frost for you guys not listening to me

What does that have to do with confirming him

I knew he was BD the whole time and said so on many occasions

You know what.
I think we should follow Orange’s plan fully.
That way, BD cannot lose.

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Yep thanks

I hope @Simon is active and checks this often.
I mean looking at plans can make or break a game

Wait a second.
Do we have 2 knights?
It’d make no sense…

facepalm how does it not make sense?

Unseen Killer