Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

I think Evils are ingeel, Polik, Jammy, Mauri, sketch 2/5 at least

/vote Sketch

Yep, this is the person with missing class I hope…

I honestly feel it would make more sense to give Prince 3 targets to pick from to make it hard for Faction converter to guess who got jailed.

Play a game of “Who should I go for”

So, Moleland, Orange and Ingneel

I have nothing on Chubby or Cow, but I also would not oppose their lynch

Ici’s in this game???

… what?

Ingeel or Mantichora

I mixed two people, similar names

eh, sure.

I think Manti is the only person who hasn’t spoken yet (unless I missed it).

What’s up with Frost snap voting right after orange every time? lol

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No I don’t think so…

(regarding Icibalus is involved in this game)

yeah, but the correct solution is not to ignore the balance change- it is to remove the Revenant.
Honestly, a class that can bound itself to hosts and can only be removed by the host(e.g. Prince) being killed is bad. What’s extra bad is that the host itself can do exactly nothing to win. There is absolutely nothing you can do to know who the revenant bound to the last day, except guessing.

king cant start out as mad king
it says in the list of possible roles that mad king is promotion only
im assuming that means when the fool becomes king

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Yeah, My suggestion of rev having 3 players to bond to, and lives as long as at least one of those hosts still live.

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Other way around tbh

I’ve followed him twice, he followed me once


So re-vote him because no Mad King possible?

So… are we calling Sketch Mastermind?

I appreciate the compliment.

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