Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

/accuse Frostwolf
Frostwolf is hiding behind “I am important” and gut feelings about certain people, he is leading us… but to what? He is trying to out all our important classes so that they can get killed or converted- and so that they can be avoided when converting. At the same time, he is trying to accumulate town trust.

I’m starting to think scum outweigh us as everyone is changing votes and before we know it time would of expired.
I swear scum is switching votes to make us run out of time.
Lynch Simon
Prince kill sketch
I will suicide into the king

Btw, I’m on a long road trip, so I probably won’t bee able to respond for another 8 hours or so, so please don’t the that as scummy

If Ingeel recieved it why would you?


Frost is weird I guess


Sketch - 4 - Orange, Plex, Polik, Simon
Simon - 3 - Frost, Pete, Moleland
Plex - 2 - Jammy, Sketch
Frost - 1 - Unknown
Orange - 1 - Damafaud

Majority = 4/8

(I was first eevee and yours looks like replica of mine, I’m taking the credit)

I prefer the idea of voting up Sketch. Simon can be Occupied tonight.

I prefer voting up Frost now, but I still prefer voting up Sketch over voting up Simon, too.


Sketch - 4 - Plex, Orange, Polik, Simon
Simon - 3 - Frost, Pete, Moleland
Plex - 2 - Jammy, Sketch
Frost - 1 - Unknown
Orange - 1 - Damafaud

Majority = 4/8

When 2 hosts do VC in same time. Derp.

Our votes are widely split right now, we should be focused on one person.

Frost, right now, is highly scummy.

I’m also starting to suspect Jammy might be too.

Can we just lynch Simon
Prince execute sketch
So we can also get rid of pkr.

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Like i said don’t know ToL so can ye walk me through this

Awful plan

Any reason you think it’s Awful?

No one will work together so I’m suiciding into king.

PKR is known Neutral Killer called Revenant. He has no physical body and we must kill his host in order to kill him.

I’m trusting orange part of it here, but orange being RB’ed confirms him as BD(I don’t doubt it but many do) and we shouldn’t have two “prots” on Unknown.

He was Jailed and claimed to be “Attacked”

And you dont get told your attacked in jail
That’s tos
Attacker would of been prevented
From visiting so NO attack would of taken place

Yes, if he’s RB’ed abd there’s a kill he is clearly not revenant, our unknown killer, or mafia. Thus, he js town.

I doubt they would sacrifice a kill for the exact same number of town deaths when they could push an entirely different ML