Forum of Lies 7 - Fool and Revenant Win

This game is hosted by @eevee, co-hosted by @BS4125, under the supervision of @Queen_Alfa.


  1. Follow the Global Forum Rules
  2. Respect the host and the players
  3. If you haven’t posted content in 36 hours, you’ll be prodded for inactivity. If you don’t respond to that prod in 12 hours, you will be force replaced.
  4. No private messaging others in the game about the game.
  5. Do not screenshot private host messages
  6. Don’t throw the game. This includes any form of intent to make you or your faction lose
  7. Refrain from posting so many times in a row.
  8. Players are not allowed to use big letters. These are reserved for host.
  9. Please add links in the main post to every notable event (FoL Events)
  10. You are allowed to leave the game but doing it will net you a temporary blacklist meaning you can’t join forum of lies for a while. Further leaving may net with a permanent blacklist
  11. Let’s all have fun and play together!


  1. Days last 96 hours (4 days), or until a majority is reached for execution. Nights last 48 hours (2 days).
  2. All actions, must be sent in your role chat.
  3. Unseen/Cult will talk through a special Discord server.
  4. Priest will speak with the dead through a separate Discord server.
  5. All classes will be used and will be used as they are found in the Class Card Thread.


  1. To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]”
  2. Votes saying Guilty or Not Guilty before the target is on the stand will not be counted.
  3. Should the votes reach the majority, that player will go on trial. They can say a defence, and the rest of the players must vote Guilty or Not Guilty on the thread.
  4. Players can discuss while the target is on trial.
  5. No one is able to use day powers when a trial is in session. The Only exception is the king’s Decide Fate.
  6. Every trial will go on for 24 hours. Only exception is if the king uses decide fate ability.
  7. The day timer does not stop when the target is on trial.
  8. If the option with the most votes is what happens to the target.

PM the host what you want on your journal. When you die, the last update to your journal will be revealed to everyone

###Possible roles (by alignments)

[details=Summary]King: (Good (33%) / Evil (Unseen or Cult) (33%) / Coward (11%) / Fanatical (11%) / Greedy (Promotion only) / Mad (Promotion only) / Psychopathic (11%))
In brackets chance for following king at the begining of game

BD Investigative: (Sherif / Maid / Princess / Observer)
BD Support: (Court Wizard / Physician / Priest / Squire)
BD Offensive: (Butler)
BD Killler: (Paladin / Knight / Prince)
BD Social: (Noble / Psychic)

Unseen Special: (Mastermind)
Unseen Killer: (Assassin / Moon Spirit)
Unseen Investigative: (Duchess / Nightwatch / Waitress)
Unseen Support: (Page / Soulcatcher / Sellsword)
Unseen Social: (Aristocrat / Illusionist)
Unseen Offensive: (Sage / Servant / Enforcer / Herbalist)

Cult Special: (Cult Leader / Acolyte)
Cult Social: (Apostle)
Cult Support: (Ritualist)
Cult Investigative: (Seeker)
Cult Offensive: (Invoker)

Neutral Killer: (Demon / Electrocutioner / Possessor / Revenant (Spiritualist) )
Neutral Support: (Mercenary / Alchemist / Guardian)
Neutral Offensive: (Greedy)
Neutral Wildcard: (Fool / Serpent)

At any point anyone might request a rolecard for any of this classes on own role chat.

###To Join
To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want


  1. PKR - Revenant
  2. Polik - Prince - DEAD
  3. Bounty -> PurpleyPete -> Snapshot
  4. FadeBlade - Good King - DEAD
  5. Jammy - Good King - DEAD
  6. Noz - Observer - DEAD
  7. Unknown Sellsword - DEAD
  8. Sketch - Fool - DEAD
  9. ThePlex - Observer - DEAD
  10. Orange
  11. Moleland - Possessor - DEAD
  12. Damafaud - Psychopathic king - DEAD
  13. Frostwolf - Knight - DEAD
  14. Ingeel - Assassin - DEAD
  15. Simon
  16. Mantichora -> Hippolytus - Noble - DEAD


  1. Noz - Observer - Killed N1
  2. PKR - Spiritualist - Died in a ritual N1
  3. Sketch - Fool - Lynched D2
  4. Damafaud - Psychopathic king - killed N2
  5. ThePlex - Observer - Killed N2
  6. Polik - Prince - Killed N2
  7. Jammy - Good King - Killed N3
  8. Hippolytus - Noble - Killed N3
  9. Unknown - Sellsword - Killed N3
  10. Fade - Good King - Killed N4
  11. Frostwolf - Knight - Killed N4
  12. Moleland - Possessor - Lynched D5
  13. Ingeel - Assassin - Lynched D6


Day 1 start
Night 1 start
Night 2 start
Night 3 start
Night 4 / Day 5 start
Day 7 start





This is the first one yet I think I’m not gonna join, have fun.

why ? personal issues ?

I’m working in Peru for a few months as of next week so it’s gonna be a bit hectic lol. Plus I wanna go out on that 100% win record :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


not joining but I advise against including the Mad King- because Blue Dragon has exactly zero chances to get rid of any Mad King by themselves but lynching. And lynching means no more king. That’s incredibly stupid.

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It’s in now.
I think it’d be bad to take it out.
It must’ve been approved by mods anyway.
Also, King needs some unique take on it.
So mad king just makes things slightly more crazy


@Unknown just let him host how he wants, there needs to be a mad king bnefore we have to work out any kinks with it


It is, ofcourse, ultimatively the host’s decision, but in its current form it, is in my opinion, not just bad but gamebreaking:you- as Mad King- can use your voting power blatantly against the Blue Dragon, and when they lynch you for that(they have no other option, unless an alchemist wants to help, and that one is not in every game, or if a Butler accepts to suicide, which is also not in every game) you win and there will be no more King. The Blue Dragon’s ability to get rid of a king that can damage them greatly when lynched should not rely on a Neutral who may not even be there and on a Blue Dragon who might not be there and gets killed when killing the Mad King!

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Honestly none of the other King concepts seem good imo

Maybe only if the King’s alignment is rolled first, and if it’s Neutral (33% chance) then it’s rolled again with a 10% chance to be each of the other Neutral Kings or something

I strongly dislike these Kings, and even though I will be going home soon may not join because of them tbh




Mad king is made promotion only. Meaning it can’t roll from the begining. But oh well, if there is a fool and he is elected as king… there has to be some penalty for town.

And yes, First will be rolled alignment (BD / Evil / Neutral), then if it rolled neutral, type of that neutral king.


Two questions:
Neutral killers convert into Psychopathic King, Fool converts into Mad King, Alchemist into Cowardly King, Greedy into Greedy King
1.But what do Mercenary, Guardian, Serpent convert to?
2. Is the Psychopathic King be intended to be able to be there at the start? If so then I warn you that the Alchemist could test it because Psychopathic King has no guards.


  1. Mercenary into Fanatical (Has to ensure his target surviving till end of game, even as king)
    Rest to cowadly kings.

  2. Yes, he is intended to be there from the start, cause he can always claim that he had a guard protecting him to explain his night immunity.

hmm currently King has a 44% chance to be coward or Blue Dragon, and a 56% chance to be something else. Just let the most sus person officially accuse the king first and we are back to square one(king always gets lynched day 2)

Butlers don’t die from poisoning the Mad king.