Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

inb4 I get spite converted :frowning:

Not entirely sure how a Cult mercenary even works actually.

Because what happens if the Mercenary turns into the Cult but keeps Rebound. Does he kill anyone who votes for a Cult?

I was on class card page, cult merc doesn’t get to keep any abilities.

Figured as much. Merc would be very OP Cult otherwise. As Rebound is literally infinite.

Rebound only has one use though?

Doesn’t say.
But unless uses are stated. I always assume it is infinite.

Wait, are you even allowed to —
Ashe, did you literally just mod-kill yourself through pure ignorance?

Ashe. Mods can read edits.

I think you are not supposed to quote action chat.

Okay, hopefully I don’t get into too much trouble, my bad, I guess in hindsight that should’ve been pretty obvious. :woman_facepalming:

Well, at least we know you are actually a Mercenary.

In a weird round about unaware of rules way.

I’m just gonna delete those posts, so nobody else has to be effected.

Eh, up to mods I guess.

Hmm. It was a slip up. And you were unaware that you were breaking any rules.

I think they might be forgiving.

Yeah, maybe, you are new player…

activity does not indicate alignment

I’m not sure why you’re pinging me, you just are and I’m not convinced that you’re a Good King like you claim.

Sadly the Neutral King is now Cowardly, so I can’t really push you either way unless I’m convinced you’re Cult King. fml

Hm, so what should we do about AfterTech?

Honestly I vote we don’t modkill @Ashe, and here’s why:

We literally already know that he’s a Mercenary. There’s nothing else that explains his actions thus far and shores up our last Neutral slot. Occam’s razor.

Cowardly King is a bad move, I say let him be until I’m either convinced he’s BD or convinced he’s Cult. Right now all I suspect is that he isn’t BD. It’s a gutread for sure, but I’ve learned to trust my gutreads.

The problem with AfterTech is that only he knows his true alignment but there is a chance that he is a Cowardly King.

If that is the case and we vote him.
It is pretty much the same as executing a Fool.
Only the first person who votes him dies.

Not only that, he gets to decide who is the next King.

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