Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Hm, since Rope is not jailed, so he can still Surprise Mojo someone…

Ashe is protected from it, and otherwise he can only RB Eevee or Moleland without randomly guessing. Losing an investigative class action for only one night isn’t that bad tbh.

We also need to ask whether or not Rope can be occupied because normally if he is the fool, they usually cannot be occupied

This will also give a chance for simon to prove himself as well

It doesn’t says that it is Occupied immunity.

So the Fool can be occupied?

Since when?

Also include to tech that he should use his guards over the prince as a friendly reminder


Ahhh, it says the fool is conversion immune, not occupy.

I think we are mucked up there


@Ashe rebound Rope
@Wolfy protect Ashe from RB/conversion
@_AfterTech guards Insanity
@Simon RBs Rope
@Insanity jail Damafaud
Protectives on Moleland
Investigatives do your thing


Sucks to not RB Jammy but whatever, Rope is essentially confirmed evil


That’t not confirmed psychic nor any confirmable class and totaly qualify for people who should be dealt with at first.


I don’t trust Dama from play, I have no ability proof, nothing.

Give me a reason to vote otherwise and waste my ability on him instead of checking someone else.

In this case then…


If we’re not going to use eevee’s ability for thi, I would rather get rid of then psychian claim to be honest, considering this is a claim that is screaming scum to me the most. At this rate, tech may need to decide what is to happen. But @_AfterTech, before doing anything, tell us what you’re gonna do so we can change the plan quickly if needs be because we have about 15 hours left

Correction, we have 12 hours

/change vote to execute

I feel like I am such a jerk for changing my jailing target so many times…

Don’t be. I would be in the same position as you

Change it for the 5th time…

Simon is occupying fool Tho. Right?

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I think tech needs to make the final call. He needs to tell us what he is going to do first however, so if he does pardon, you jail damam again, and if he guilties, you know to jail someone else.

Sound good? @_AfterTech