Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Hopefully if they are not occupy immune

I think that sounds about right for this

w8, is Simon butler?

NIGHT PLAN v3 (edited form Orange, sorry bud…)

@Ashe rebound Rope
@Wolfy protect Ashe from RB/conversion
@_AfterTech guards Insanity and should help decide fate, while providing us with what you will do so we can update the plan if guilty or innocent
@Simon RBs Rope
@Insanity jail Damafaud if pardoned, but if executed, get someone else after being told by tech (either Polik or Jammy)
Protectives on Moleland
Investigatives do your thing

Sound better?


Wait did we finally agree to actually lynch Damafaud?

We’re lynching somebody in FoL???

Like actually honest to goodness executing somebody because of things they said and not because we have 100% proof from an investigative class?

I never thought I’d see the day! It’s about time tbh.


Thank you Eevee for making all of my plays for me lol

I think it would be better to jail Noz…

We can dealt with Jammy/Polik later…

And I am sure that one of them in your list is getting converted…

True, but it’s better with this plan at the moment right?

I hope we do, otherwise insanity will be mad and might make all the mods mad by changing his jailed targets many times



Any time soon would be good to tell us your plan bud as we have ten hours left!

Why is everyone afraid to pull the trigger here? Lol classic scum claim with questionable comments throughout


Frankly, even if this is a mislynch, Dama is a liability to BD for not grasping the basic happenings of this game. It’s not game over if he’s BD.

/Execute Dama

Lel, hope this is a good one.INB4 converted physician

Ok, sorry for being gone, life and all, what would people like me to do, id rather not decide fate yet.

We need your decision at least soon. We have less tan 10 hours left

It’s honestly up to you

This is a read lynch. If you personally think Dama is inno you’re welcome to pardon without persecution

But the odds are in BD’s favor of lynching scum here

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However, if you’re planning to force execute, you need to warn us so that way we can change our night plan if needs be @_AfterTech

I belive this is evil personally, but im not going to decide fate. Id rather we just vote execute
/vote execute

Hopw many votes is this?


We need one more then?