Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Investgative Cult member with no CL? :thunking:

Well, my running theory would be if Jammy was cult, you would be too, and covered her claim for her, but as I said before, probably not likely.

Yeah. BD has this win unless the NK pulls something out of their ass.

Also as I said, probably no remaining nk :smiley:

My gut says its an NK. Eradicate is most likely all used up.

Eradicate is used up, and that’s why we haven’t had any kills since Night 3. (other than Paladin from Cowardly King) That’s why I’m saying there isn’t an nk, but I could be wrong.

Oh. I thought it was a NK kill XD. Yeah Sketch is Cult.

With that out of the way, I’m more than happy to agree. I already sent my contract offer, so assuming Jammy accepts, we’re golden.
/vote Sketch

We need 4 votes. With us thats 2. Pray wolfy royal fingers Sketch. (Insert Lenny Face Here)

@Wolfy we need your royal finger ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

/Royal finger sketch

Was planning to

Awesome, that’s 4.

@Queen_Alfa @ThePlex @FadeBlade We havea majority on Sketch

While we wait for that, here’s the night plan:

I’ll stand guard for Ruby.
Simon will occupy orange.
If Ruby has any remaining window peeks, check orange with it to confirm his cultiness =P
Noz matchmakes Orange with Jammy or Simon, to check incompatibility.
Wolfy guards Noz, Simon or himself.


I don’t need a guard. Guard themselves, or Simon.

I’ll guard Simon then

You do that :+1: p:

Where is noz in this?

In the jammy section. I grouped them because they’re either both evil or both good, strongly leaning on good.