Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

hello i am apparently needed?

Can you show why noz is strong bd
(I always have trouble keeping up on these things)



And yourself. Jammy already claimed Observer before you used your day ability.

Except it’s impossible for there to be a 4th Cult member since Polik made a kill on the Prince and chose not to convert that night. The only reason this game is continuing is because there is another NK.

Orange’s idea of Electrocutioner is plausible, especially if that electro charged me since I have never visited anybody this game.

Jammy has to be BD because it’s impossible for both Noz and Jammy to be evil.
Ashe has to be Merc because both Ashe and Orange can’t be evil.

The only players left who haven’t proven themselves with hard, ability based evidence is;


Has anyone considered a Psycho king scenario? With the removal of the roleblocking aspect of Ice Ward, it is now much easier to fake a CW claim. I mean, Wolfy told us he would be warding Ashe, so naturally nobody visited Ashe because they would be wasting their night. However, this also prevents his class from being confirmed.

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Not a pyscho. If some did visit Ashe, then that would have confirmed me, but with almost everyone on the Mercenary to prevent them becoming Cult, it would have been impossible for me to get confirmed anyway.

Second of all, you just did admit not to doing anything

Also, it’s not an easy claim to make.

Knight was though in FOL 5, and nobody still questioned it when the people I was told to cold steel didn’t die as I was “occupied”. Ahhh, those were the times

/FoS Wolfy

Quite the reaction there.

You realize I’m 100% BD because I’m suggesting we lynch me today, right?
And I put myself on that list if you noticed.

I didn’t like those posts at all.

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it was meant for ashe, i was on mobile, and couldnt see that you posted

I proved myself today. /guiltied

They’re not even on the stand yet…

Jammy already claimed Observer long before you used your day ability. I could’ve claimed Maid instead and just said “oh, Jammy is investigative.”

Repeating redundant information does not prove your class.

80% Noz
10% Wolfy
10% Orange

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Orange’s logic is flawed.

Noz had no choice but to say that Jammy is investigative. If he tried to frame her and get her lynched, we would simply lynch him the next day and end the game. There was no choice.


How about the logic I’m not an idiot?

That’s a shaky declaration at best

Just kidding.

I’m saying you’re NOT an idiot because you didn’t try framing Jammy. That would’ve been the bonehead move to do as a NK.

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Don’t think your NK. You however the best shot we go at winning. Sorry if your innocent.t

yeah i still dont understand what proof we have that noz is bd
im not voting, im just getting all the facts before i vote

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