Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Also, any plans yet? We don’t exactly have a lot of time left right?

knight should kill rope
we cant have prince losing his executes in the case that rope isnt lying

Forget that. We have 56 hours left. Plenty of time

Protect Moleland. Execute Rope or have Knight kill him. He is definitely not Blue Dragon at this point. And send one protective toward a random person to catch the Cult off guard.

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There’s been one kill. This therefore suggests this is a cult game and the fact Mole has outed himself in paladin suggests that also.

Do you think Rope is really telling the truth after this point?

If you’re planning to contract someone, contract either prince or paladin and not Rope

it could have been an nk

Mhm. Do the maths still.

no i dont think hes telling the truth
but i do think its possible

and in the rare chance hes telling the truth, we need to make our situation as good as possible with a n2 dead sheriff


Are you seriously trying to protect the likely scum and you are fooling for it because he is a newbie?!?!

Like come on man, many of us have already caught out he was lying. HE EVEN OUTED HIMSELF AS WELL IN CASE YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN!

That update doesn’t apply to fol presently

They’re coming now, had to take a phone call

“everyone thinks you are evil so stop”

“Oh, you are innocent? well then, we don’t think so, so stop defending yourself!”

don’t be idiots. don’t kill the sheriff.

If fool thinks he’s going to die tonight, he’s likely to spite block me. Prince should kill him to stop him being a dick

This plan sounds good right now.

100/10 would agree

Put the blame on you for what? Please elaborate.


you claim sheriff, then paladin, and ect. IT’S TIME TO STOP.

you don’t win by seeing blue dragon lose, you need our help to win as fool.

Oh, as you missed it. I was saying put a blame on me because if I was evil, I would kill the ones best to lead the town when the time requires it.

Ah ok nvm

The fact remains that either way, Rope or Moleland are fucked the moment an Unseen or Cult dies.

If it’s the Cult, definitely much sooner than the Unseen.