Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

@orangeandblack5 @PolikShadowbliss

Quick opinion. Who would you think is telling the truth right now, and who do you think we are up against. You guys are quite good with determining this, and the fact we have one kill still screams cult to me

Why would you do this

Did you learn nothing from VFM16

It’s not a cult game. Just wait until an evil faction member dies, and you will see I am correct.

In an Unseen game, there tend to be two deaths, not one!!!

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I agree with you on Cult, but need to catch up to determine who I like and who I dislike

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Wait shit we have two Sheriff claims wtf

I really need to read

There are two possibilities. I am leaning Cult though. Unless the Assassin choose tonight to forage. But I don’t see why the Assassin would do that. It would be far more effective to Assassinate at night and then poison during the day.


Assassins usually forage in FoL

I forgot about that

Back to inconclusive for me but leaning Unseen for now b/c 2 Sheriff claims

To make things easier, Moleland later retracted and claimed Paladin, but Rope is still trying to claim Sherrif after admitting he was Fool after eevee’s unorthodox approach

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We will see by tomorrow.

If there is only one kill. Then definitely Cult.

Two kills can also be cult don’t forget that

So it is actually a trick question.
If there is Cult. There will actually be three kills.
Two if the NK doesn’t kill.

heres the thing i dont think you get
i agree that he is 99.9% scum/fool
i am just trying to prepare for the .1%

So more likely to be a Cult than Unseen…

Also, I tend to believe a Paladin claim more than a sherrif after one kill

That’s why I saw we kill Rope instead of executing him.

Unless, of course, he’s the Idiot. Which would be ironic.

In other words, you’re still willing to give him up still.

Also here’s the thing. I don’t believe there is a Knight, so Prince is the only one that will be able to execte the “sherrif” tonight. He’s likely to be a fool. He seems to be screaming to us to purposly mislynch so we can lynch him the next day

Prince this thx

Knight on Rope

Orange. He is the only Palidin claim and no one counter claimed him.

To be honest Orange, I would set Prince on Rope as I’m thinking there’s no Knight.

In order for Mole to actually be able to do his action still, I would have to phsyically stop rope myself, but then if there is a knight, they wouldn’t be able to kill rope. Therefore, I believe rope is the right option for Prince right now

Also one death. Suggests the kill was made by an NK and not Unseen. So there will either be two or three deaths, so we need to be prepared for that.