Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)


We have about 7 hours left. We need to decide soon

Trials are plurality


So currently likely getting exectued?

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I still don’t get plurality votes. And I do politics for goodness sake’s!

So basically 8 votes is insta-execute, but whichever has the most votes when the timer runs out happens anyways.

Did ya use your Day ability?

He didn’t and he said he rather save it.

You know what that means. New target for you to go for

/vote execute

that’s the final vote, right?


Yep. Now we all stop posting. :stuck_out_tongue:

@Queen_Alfa @ThePlex @FadeBlade thread lock plz :+1:

BLAH BLU BLAH. Also what should I do? Exist?

Actually, it would be better if you didn’t exist at the moment, as your post is clearly telling.


We were speaking of executions and locking the thread.

And then you.

Kind of funny, actually.

By the way —


I had assumed we all agreed to pardon him.

Eh. I just need to be alive to be helpful. /shrug


You are doing the alive part pretty well at the moment.

Need work on the helpful part.

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:stuck_out_tongue: Touche Polik, Touche

Why did we talk 40 minutes more…

Just passing time while waiting for the Execution.