Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

/vote guilty

lol @Moleland stop covering your ass so much on gg

Wow impatient much? I have a life lol :stuck_out_tongue:

That was more me though… :crying_cat_face:

We have six votes. King will likely not pardon this

But isn’t cl occupy immune?

Never mind. Just checked the card

No… no cult is naturally

So then…

Is this good game right here?

Polik could be this silly and not prove self by reviving

If polik flips Cl and the game doesn’t end, we kill tech

Agreed, and lol

You called it out when we first joined

/execute (again just to make sure It went through)

You said it would be silly that Polik would not prove himself by not reviving, and he didn’t do it!

Do you guys know how Priest even works?


Ignore this comment above. For some reason, this message went to the top of the op about him being silly and not reving

If this is gg, me getting the acolyte was critical. Even Tho they killed prince, it was a bad move to sac last night from cult - consider cl was at risk from poe

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Yes we do Polik. We are not idiots

You revive the dead and talk to the dead

I have to agree with you there

Aklso Polik. Once again, you could have proved your “Priest” claim by checking out what Ryan did night 1 during night 2

And looking at ISOs, you have not spoken to Ryan soo…

Cult Leader sounds about right. Bye!