Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

Fine. You got me.

Should have bloody went with Knight.

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Vengeance for PKR!

Shut up, you’re pretty much useless.

Still probably would have lynched as you would need a convincing reason to not guard prince

Heh. But it was likely the demon killed him than the cult because they tend to convert night 1, and Leader wouldn’t want to lose Acolyte night 1

The fact the king was guarding him not a good enough reason?

Also, with me being the “Knight” the first time we had a game like this, it wouldn’t have fooled me

I bet cult tried converting me night one, right?

Nope. I used magical barrier or Ryan

Should have used the ward…

Yes. We did. Unfortunately.

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Yare yare daze…


I said I was an important role

Polik. I was useless due to my class card. Not that I hate squire, but its pretty hard to be useful when you have no useful abilities to figure stuff out :stuck_out_tongue:

So then Polik. You used you Acolyte on Rope then?

You already lost, so might as well admit it

Of course they did

Yeah. He was to likely to be a fool then. So eevee was converted night 2 after that Paladin mistake they made.

Hence the one kill when Merc rebounded

Of course I did.

Ugh. Should have converted.