Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

I wasn’t the only one! :slight_smile:

Alright, let’s get the sign-ups for FoL 10 started :wink:

I swear if i get a neutral in another fol game…

I’ve taken part in 3.
1st game possessor
2nd game merc
3rd game neutral king.

All neutrals.

I pity @eevee - played well as bd and didn’t merit a loss, but then again, shouldn’t have allowed themselves to die like that

@_AfterTech why did you lie about a psychic for?

inb4 orange claims Psy

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I didnt? I was connected minds with a psychic night 1. I told them i was siding with bd and they said they wanted to change me to their side or something.


Thats what i thought.

The only way that’s possible is if… rogue YOLO disguised pkr as maid?


If pkr was really psychic, that’s the only slot it could possibly be

But why would a psychic be annoyed about kimg siding with bd?

Can we quote things a psychic said

You can’t quote straight from the mod message, but you can type it out verbatim.

I’m confused as fuck


The psychic said
That’s too bad, here I was hoping you’d choose the right side. I’ll bring you over eventually.

After i said i would side with blue dragon being the neutral king

PKR is a troll lol

Hmm. Guess we have to wait and see what happenes then, because no one else is claiming psychic right now

That makes the two of us