Forum of Lies 9 (BD and Mercenary Victory!)

It’s very important that @Simon writes down in his journal WHO he roleblocks tonight so we can rule out somebody.

Although it is extremely likely this NK is roleblock immune… Almost all of them are. Hmm.

There is zero proof he is BD.

He told us Jammy was an investigative after she told us she was an Observer.

And if he chose to lie and say she was a killer, he would be hanged the next day and lose.

He’s highly suspect.

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conflicting information

Then they’re both good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m thinking that depending on what Sketch shows up as once exe’d is going to determine our next moves. Make sure to keep journals updated tonight.

It’s conflicting because it is wrong.

There cannot be two evils in this game right now, unless 3 NKs spawned.

You know what

I just realized something.

Orange wanted Noz to use his day ability on Jammy, huh?

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Yup. What does that mean in your mind?

That he didn’t want Noz using it on himself.

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This is an easy win as long as everyone follows night plans and updates their journal.

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Yeah, I can see that. Still, I’m still thinking to exe you then go for orange.

ashe, are you’re giving your contract to me, yes?

I’ll match Simion and Orange if Sektch flips BD


No, I’ve offered it to Jammy.

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Night Plan v.1

@Simon roleblocks Orange
@Ashe contracts and guards Jammy
@Wolfy guards Noz
@JammySplodge follows Noz(?)
@orangeandblack5 gets roleblocked or murders somebody because he’s Possessor or Paranoid
@Ami matches orange with simon

This plan guarantees 100% victory. Simon or Wolfy will likely die tonight. I’m guessing the NK will go for the King to prevent future guarding.

Basically, we have to keep Noz alive so he can give us results tomorrow.
@Simon, do not roleblock him under any circumstance. Do not give him a reason to not give us info tomorrow.


That looks good to me.

How am I leading town AND getting lynched today?! :joy::joy:

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@Sketch seems to be the only one making sense right now, not sure how I feel about that tbh. Although he did fail to notice that if I were evil I wouldn’t use Noz to clear Jammy, who is around so little that he’d be an easy mislynch. Hmmmmm.

@Ashe There literally cannot be more Cult. They have a cooldown on conversion and Polik killed Eevee. We’re searching for a NK, and it can be Noz, Sketch, Wolfy, or me. Seems easy enough unless we do have a Psychopathic King.

I’m not RB immune, Jammy can confirm that lol

It’ll be good to confirm at the very least.

I get your point about using Jammy as an easy mislynch.


Jammy copped green earlier, but that doesn’t mean she’s not NK, right? I don’t remember reading back about her proving herself