Forum of Lies Neutral Creation Competition


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actual take though

what if this didn’t trigger on a BD bounty

just random thoughts

i expect someone to tell me im dumb but that’s okay

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hot take: change bounty :wink:

atm it would as they are still executed, but if we want we could bend it to include that. But idk the benefit other than making Noble stronger

this suggestion would be more useful with a suggestion of what to change it to

delete fol

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Replace it with Hand of Byzantium

wym joatifer is a bad idea >:( >:( /s

cause like u should always bounty poe, and if they lhf town then wow u converted a town and have a second lynch, if not u made scum stronger and weaker at the same time

I see what Kat means
Noble bounties a BD
BD gets exed
Crusader turns BD
Court has another execution

how many games without bounty n1 did we have?

What if bounty proccing disabled use of any other noble abilities


Noble guilt? lul

I wouldn’t call it guilt
I would call it ‘drawback’

Because it wouldn’t proc on non-scum preventing you from getting the bonus lynch


I’m fine with keeping Bounty as it is. It’s not that strong as people don’t really use it properly and in the end it just ends up helping scum more than harming.

off the top of my head I can think of 1 impactful Bounty by town, 1 impactful Bounty by a convert, and 1.5-2 impactful fake bounties by neuts faking Noble/equivalent (this includes both FoLs and SFoLs)

and I feel like that says a lot about how we use Bounty on this site

Faking bounty as scum is actually pretty hot :joy:

Most of them are usually used to get rid of permanulls or slankers.

Worst part is when people execute bountied players even if they TR them, tbh.