Forum of Lies Neutral Creation Competition

This is a very old class I made a while back @DatBird

The Weaver :shield:

Neutral Offensive
Woven Clothes (Passive) - Attacks made against you will bypass healing.
Determined (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection. Kept upon class change.
Tripwire (Day Ability) - Set a tripwire at a player’s house, granting them immunity to attacks and notifying you if they are attacked. They will not be aware they were attacked. - 2 uses - Able to target self.
Entwine (Night Ability) - Entwine a player’s house with strings, occupying them if they are a Killer class. - Infinite uses
Weave Strings (Night Ability) - Redirect attacks made against a player to the attacker(s). Only able to target the same person once. - 2 uses
Survive to see at least three players with an ability to directly kill die.

my neut from SFoL 00

The Seraph

Neutral Support

Watchful Protector (Passive) : At the start of the game, you will be given the names of two players in the game. These two players are your divine disciples and they could be any classes or alignments that are NOT a part of the Blue Dragon faction.

Transcendent (Passive) : All of your limited use abilities can also be used while dead. In addition, you gain an additional use of each ability upon your own death.

Purge (Day) : Remove any negative status ailments affecting one of your divine disciples (2 uses).

Martyr (Day) : Sacrifice yourself to be lynched in place of a divine disciple. (1 use). Upon your death, you gain 1 use of an alternate version of this ability which will lynch an alternative target of your choosing in place of a divine disciple when a divine disciple is set to die via lynch, in exchange for losing all uses of the rest of your abilities.

Holy Protectorate (Night) : Prevent any visits to a divine disciple that incur any kind of negative effect on the disciple, with the visit (2 uses).

Sacred Intervention (Night) : Provide unstoppable death immunity to all divine disciples alive for the night (1 use).

Win condition: Conclude the game with at least one divine disciple alive.

This seems like merc with extra steps lol

this seems a bit useless unless its like… final 5 people

Nobody has commented on mine yet. That’s frightening.

it seems to be a bit bd sided on paper unless the rand has a bunch of BD killers in which case it’d be fairly neutral

since the 3 guaranteed killers that spawn per game only include 1 BD

I think it would be slightly BD sided even in a rand with a bunch of BD killers

since e.g. if the CL dies, the next Cultist becomes CL, whereas if the Prince dies this doesn’t make anyone turn into a replacement Prince

it could probably also use some clarification on the meaning of ‘directly kill’

does Butler count? does Chrono count?

well in a rand with a bunch of BD killers it has the potential to actually scum side

but it also barely has the tools to kill BD killers unless a knight/archer attack that night, and can’t do anything about hunter

heavily doubt since it moves deaths

it also seems somewhat notable that a minimum of two classes with the ability to directly kill will always need to die for the game to end

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the way it gets BD killers killed is by pushing for their lynch

‘Knight claim in 2020 lol this is probably NK’

okay but if your wincon is “make killers die”

and barely can protect itself from killers

it… kind of wants to be a survivor neut that maybe hopes the prince dies

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Yes, as it causes the kill.

No, as it doesn’t cause the kill. It redirects it. The person would’ve died in the first place.

It needs to survive to see them die as well however.

It is slightly BD sided however they aren’t going to be happy knowing their carry class is hunted by this neutral. Or that it can redirect a knight’s coldsteel to themselves and make it look like suicide.

‘I’m physician and healed X who cold steeled Y, Y probably commited suicide so X is fine’
When actually the ‘physician’ is the Weaver and X is some sort of Unseen/Cult.
I don’t know, I see a lot of potential plays with it.

FoL 26: would have won D3 (Darth, Vul, sulit)
FoL 25: would have won D2 (Possessed, Dat, Nuclear [poison])
FoL 24: would have won N3 (Sam, Alex, Jake, Squid)
FoL 23: would have won N2 (Me, Htm, eevee, I forget who died N1 but I doubt it included 3 killers)
FoL 22: would have won N3 or N2 depending on if Chronos count (Priestess, Mince, maybe Andrej, Alice if not Andrej)

lowkey decided to add my thing just so I could see if people found mech oracle to be interesting since I wanted to jam that onto an nk

Shall we change it to killer classes then?