Forum of Lies Neutral Creation Competition


thanks, i’ll send it in a few minutes

Just…if it wins don’t steal the thing

I’m not going to steal it I’m a nice person.

Original Class

The Stalker

Neutral Offensive
Hidden (Passive) - Any night ability used on you will secretly fail, apart from investigative abilities and blue-dragon killers
Escape (passive) when your win condition is completed, you will leave the court the next day
Distraction (Day) If target player has already someone voting for him, you may cast a vote on him without other players knowing. - 1 uses.
Stalk (Night) - Start stalking target player, he will be notified that he is being stalked, you may only stalk one player at a time, if you’re already stalking someone, the player you were previously stalking won’t be notifed that you’ve stopped stalking him - infinite uses
Backstab (Night) Kill the player you’re stalking, bypassing every protection apart from death immunity, may only be used if you have voted your target last day - infinite uses
Goal : Kill 2 players by using your abilities

Proposed Fix by Gypyx

The Stalker

Neutral Offensive
Hidden (Passive) - Any night ability used on you will secretly fail, apart from investigative abilities and non-BD killers
Escape (passive) when your win condition is completed, you will leave the court the next day
Distraction (Day) If target player has already someone voting for him, you may cast a vote on him without other players knowing. - 1 uses.
Stalk (Night) - Start stalking target player, he will be notified that he is being stalked, you may only stalk one player at a time, if you’re already stalking someone, the player you were previously stalking won’t be notifed that you’ve stopped stalking him - infinite uses
Backstab (Night) Kill the player you’re stalking, bypassing every protection apart from death immunity, may only be used if you have voted your target last day - infinite uses
Goal : Kill 2 players by using your abilities

Does that fix the class?

I’d review it myself but I have work for school to do.

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so this is a “win n4 if your stalk targets don’t die” class?

I mean most FoL games don’t even last to N4.

Well this could totally be an unwinnable neutral in the meta of this forum, i just had the idea a while ago and felt like proposing it

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Marshal are you making another class?

Yes but not for this

Maybe for this too who knows

The Politician

Neutral Social
Political Prowess (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Greedy Exodus (Passive) - As soon as you have won the game, you will depart from the court, collecting your taxes(one use of all limited-use abilities from all Blue Dragon aligned players).
Change in Opinion (Day) - Choose what faction you will appear as to investigatives tonight - 2 uses
Corruption (Night) - If the king dies tonight, and you are alive tommorow, you will automatically gain the throne, no matter what the votes are. You will be death immune tonight. - 1 use
Apathetic Homicide (Night) - KIll a person who has made less then 20 posts the previous day. - 2 uses
*Survive to have every living player in the game have voted you at some point

The Presidential King

Neutral Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
Greedy Exodus (Passive) - As soon as you have won the game, you will depart from the court, collecting your taxes(one use of all limited-use abilities from all Blue Dragon aligned players). A new king election will be held and day will be extended by however long that takes.
Grand Trial (Day) - Instantly put a player on trial for treason lasting up to 24 hours possibly extending day. They may provide a defense within 12 hours, and then the players alive may either vote to execute or pardon. If a majority of players vote to execute, the day will end and the player on trial will be lynched. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. - 1 use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - Infinite Uses
Electoral fraud (Night) - All votes for target player tommorow will secretly count towards your win condition. - 1 use
Abuse of Power (Night) - KIll a person who has made less then 50 posts the previous day. - Infinite Uses
Survive to have every living player in the game have voted you at some point

tbh im a fan of this one but it probably has flaws so lay it on me.


Does this mean when the game ends whoever was alive needs to have voted you EG if someone dies dk they need to have voted you


i think it’s p good.

doesn’t want to be lynched, is anti-BD enough not to be able to out, has reason to go for king, and is a neutral slankvig which is what i wanted in the first place(and the slankvig actively helps their win condition)

I’m just imagining the meme cases

Three people vote you over the course of D2

You randomly die N2

Game goes to 3p LyLo with those three

You win

oh right

should i make it “survive to see that happen”

cuz that’s what i meant

i am

because that seems broken LMAO

If it has to survive it should probably get limited death immunity of some form

mmm if it’s limited death immunity i want it to be limited death immunity. y’know?

maybe i can make corruption also give death immunity that night

good thing we have no chronic slankers in FoL right?