Forum of Lies Neutral Creation Competition

Who really needs to not be invincible at night

He was kinda broke lol

He has guardian of field which can be used to fake claim allies

But that’s not how allies works

ah yeah

Allies is the night chat

Anyways IMO their should be some sort of negative utility associated with making people straw as if he claims it’s just kinda whatever since it dosent effect anything

yeah scarecrow can just claim publicly and not face virtually any consequences.

Yeah which is bad in terms of neutral design

its not like people could totally fake claim it

But it also gets observer esque results

And can prove itself with blood on the field

Like in the state it’s in it’s almost +EV for town to side with them

Might get rid of night imm

becomes bd king because duh

In addition, if you side with bd, you will probably have a less chance of winning, as straw doesn’t pass on from other targets. Instead, you can only give straw to a player, and the person they visited. In order to have better chances of winning, you probably should side with evils, as most games end by d6 or d7.

Neutrals are supposed to be neutral, not “insert whatever wincon you want here”. They should be able to benefit either unseen or bd. Not specifically one or the other. They should benefit no one and have no allegiances.

That’s not true their are definitely neutrals designed to assist one side more than the other

wait isn’t this just… a member of the blue dragon with negative utility abilities?

I’m not saying that there isn’t, i’m saying what I personally believe