(Stats: Physical: 6 - Morality: 4 - Intelligence: 5)
(Stats: Physical: 6 - Morality: 4 - Intelligence: 5)
name: Mrs morale monk
Stats: 13 morality 1 strength 1 intelligence
Sin: was jelly of her husband being more morale than her so tied him up and gave him to jigsaw.
lel our characters are polar opposites.
(Stat: Intel:4 Moral:7 Strength: 4)
Sin: Participate in many evil activity.
lel I already sent my stats and sin via pm but why not share them
Intel: 8
Moral: 0
Strength: 7
Sin: Pride and being horribly egocentric.
Eh /Join
Too lazy to do it in a PM
Moral: 0
Sin: Too lazy and has lead to some well bad stuff…
am i allowed to rejoin even though i know one of the possible traps?
I also know one of the possible traps.
Reverse Beartraps
pls lets not be too late haha
/join if i am allowed
PM YOUR SHEET TO ME, I will not accept public sheets and sins
This dead?
No, mainly waiting for stats and sins
I already sent in it in the thread don’t make me do the exact same thing in a PM
Yes Simon, I saw that thanks. Which is why I said I’m not going to send him my character sheet as there is no reason to send the exact same thing already in the thread. Me saying that obviously implied I read his message.
Sassy quotations are only successful if they enforce a logical point hon.