Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!


Brawler can’t target self.

I did explain it already, didn’t I?

Aerliast is a claim wich can be easily eliminated later on, if he won’t find scum.
Sam didn’t claim his info, he was just pushing the INVEST claim, with 2 invests being already dead.

If you notice, I asked to wait for Sam to claim as well, but… he was hammered.

After that votes of Livi and Margaret rolled in.
Livi was scum and Margaret is… Margaret.


You used mechanical information to prove maxi as aerialist. That’s not a gambit it’s scummy

Post one above actualy explains it.

Reread the end of day when Sam was lynched, see who was actualy pinging him for info and who was trying to quickhammer it.

I’m not stupid, Geyde.
Sam was suspicious for trying to lynch invest claim after 2 invests died and not even saying why.
Yes, I was the one who started wagon on him for this bullshit, but on this wagon I was also one who was trying to get info out of them.
Not quickhammer them.

It doesn’t give you towncred.

Yeah, but if you reread the end of day there, it does.

Then you aren’t the brawler

And you aren’t offensive either

You are scum with a brawler

ez win


After ISOing you I actually townread you. Tentatively.

Stupid question then, how was you prevented last night.

GamerPoke tried to occupy me.
If you claim occupied too, let’s say brawler occupied you.

How did the kill happen then?

Wait. htm claimed prevented?

He did.

Yeah I did

The point is, he claims I’m invest, so if he was prevented, then it couldn’t be me, and it would be a “second brawler”.

But, I would be a shooter then, and since Iw as occupied by Gamer, he wouldn’t die.

Got ya.

I was occupied 3 times so now I’m immune though

I’m asking Blue how the no u works

There is also a world where htm didn’t visit me at all, and claimed I’m invest, cause I claimed invest before.

Still same thing tho.

I can kinda be confirmed as prevented if someone prevents me and I give results btw