Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

Is this the neut slip? It actually looks more like Noz mis-typed here.

@Margaret wanna lynch scum? Vote Bazing.
You said over by D3 and i think we can legit do that easily

My clock ainā€™t broken when itā€™s right every time


Look at the disparity between a and i on the keyboard.

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Thatā€™s what PKR said was a neut slip.

Been trying to show him itā€™s not. Ironically probably did by finding an actual neut slip

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I am literally riposte-ing these low EQ analyses at the speed of light

Yup. I literally was going to plan on catching something with my crazy gambit but Noz could legit be scum due to the disparity point

Either Nozā€™s hands are monster sized as a result of years of wanking, or it was a freudian slip like Pkr said

I am thinking Noz is town here. I donā€™t see Noz fullclaiming early like that with no real wagon on day one with some sort of buddies. Heā€™s a neutral or town imho.

And if heā€™s neutral he has to be NK

How about instead of bragging how good you are/arenā€™t bless us with some reads.


Nope. Thereā€™s still a slot which is Neut/Town unless youā€™re hard claiming 2nd neut

Oh I get it this is a false wagon to get the mafia caught very clever everyone

Nahā€¦Much more likely town. My phone autocorrects things to nothing close to what I typed all the time.

PKR thinks I sheep people without reading



No. No it really isnā€™t.
This is as much of a false wagon as much as it would be false to say I love Wolf with all of my heart

I havenā€™t voted for a reason :thinking:

Your prince commands your sheepage. :stuck_out_tongue:

n o

u no carry me in your arms