Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

I would if it would prove me.

Iā€™m not gonna waste lynch on inacitves who canā€™t defend tho.

lynch livicus then

comes back to this

The day ends as everyone competes in a battle royal and nobody was eliminated because the crew forgot to get rid of the steel cage surrounding the ring.

Night 2 begins and will end in 24 hours or until everyone has sent in their actions.


You mean royal rumble?

Go back to your casket match, you dead person.


but Iā€™m not the undertaker

Oh really? Cause you look like a deadman to me. Now shaddup.

For srs though no deadposting, nightposting, or dead nightposting.


bad dum tish
(ok iā€™ll shut up now)

8 hours and 30 minutes to send in your actions.

DnD exists, so turning to day might take a lil bit longer than usual. Hang tight.

Backstage, tables have been repaired, equipment has been fixed, and everyoneā€™s walking around without a care in the world. Nobody died.

The Lynch Phase of Day 3 begins, and will end in 48 hours or until majority is reached.

With 15 players alive, majority is 8.

Sam17z replaced back into his slot.

If nobody replaces into WazzaAzzaā€™s slot by the start of tomorrow, that slot will be modkilled.

Did someone die?

Oh nvm I canā€™t read apparently


If not then I got info

Dungeons and Dragons, mate :slight_smile:

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Why did you tell me to interpret you


I had a theory

though it did not happen.

It still kind of miffs me.