Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

Because then maximus’s Scum buddies come and tell us to CFD off of Maximus for some idiotic reason

Or, you know, Eevee can confirm them as scum.

Eevee confirms him as scum or town anyway so it doesn’t matter

What if you kill Luxy and I redirect you into Luxy? Which redirect takes place first

Contradicting actions fail

Pretty sure

I would assume the scum one would have higher priority.

Just protect someone don’t rush the victory my dude

Wait that’s actually a genius plan

Btw guys I have 20 minutes till I have to go…

Ez win, ez plan, ez life

So shoot Luxo?

Yeah and have Poke redirect you into Luxy just in case


@GamerPoke redirect Nerb into Luxy tonight

(assuming Luxy isn’t important)

Btw if we are going with the opinion that there is a cheater in the gane then 2 abilities will be wasted

That would be if they attacked Luxy

which is unlikely imo

Quoting directly from the class card of Brawler

Strongarm (Night) - Anyone visiting a Heel of your choice will be redirected to a second target of your choice. Bypasses redirection immunity.

Wouldn’t this outprioritize Shove?


@BlueStorm / @Kirefitten

would strongarm outprioritize shove?

Ask thy question in thy class card