Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

Not sure which question you’re referring to. But, on n1 I got someone tried changing your target (feedback for another player redirecting Squid)

I used enthrall on Alice

A dead person cannot be prevented

This interaction

Fair shout

Not valid

Yes valid



I mean sure whatever you say it will count just won’t show up on my VC.

None of these count towards the Lynch Phase anyway cause we’re not there yet, wut

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Make it show up :stuck_out_tongue:

Then it won’t count but will show up.

Just add my vote to frost’s smh


You’re arguing the semantics of a phase we’re not in yet. :man_shrugging:

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feedback from the dead: make the sig phase happen overnight

vanishes :ghost:

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Blacklist marl

Considering no night kill last night, Eevee has to be evil.

I occ’d them.