Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

We’re you occed?

They wouldn’t know since they aren’t an investigative class.

What did you do?

And htm said he is swapped in his logs too.

@Frostwolf103 - Smark can’t force people to target themselves.

I am occ immune anyway, but I didn’t get any message about it.
Remember - limited feedback tho.

Swapped you and Geyde.

Since didn’t want to affect CS, and I didn’t think you would cs Geyde to begin with.
Literaly only safe swap last night.

I got other problem.

Geyde, if you checked Frost N6, how did you occupy me N7.
Luchador can’t use Muertos Movements 2 nights in a row.

I interpreted (no cooldown) Frost n6

Yes, but you claim to use ability on me last night as well?

I claim to MM Powerhouse to occ you last night (n7), yes.


I thought you was aerialist checking them n6.

That is Marluxion day 5
Marluxion reversaled n4.

That is Frostwolf’s action n4.

That is htm’s logs on n4. He could be only redirected to self, as he was only invest alive.

And that is why redirect couldn’t possibly come from smark.

I don’t know why he was redirected by reversal if it only affects negative actions, possibly host mistake, BUT…

I am confirmed to be able to redirect here.

You are blocking all my time with acusations wich can’t be true even.
And instead of gamesolving I have to focus on not letting a misslynch go.

I will ignore the accusations against you, how about that?

Make your points.

And if mechanical is not enough, think about it:

What eevee is doing when he is mafia? He leads town into mistakes while being townread by everyone.

What eevee is doing when he is town? Fpses a lot. But also struggles in mafia ruining each of his plans. Like I was confirmed town in OW and Marl got ult instead anyway. Like I was once called scum as vig, after I claimed I killed 2 mafias at night (wich I did).

This is ridiculous.

K, one after another.

Luxy - Last neutral. Most likely manager. @Geyde when you was prevented on Frost, could there still be another cheater? It was n6, so there couldn’t be, right?

Margaret - checked ns by Geyde, but cheater was alive then. Could be disguised. But that’s it.

Me - Hi. Read posts above.

Nerbins - Not really confirmed in any way. Never hit interpret nor killed an attacker. @Nerbins did you miss my plan for each striker claim to kill stooge n1 and put theirs death note there to prove self?
That one where I explained that stooge can be killed only by town, cause he would join mafia or nk if was attacked by them.

Geyde - Only scum if bussed Livi OR if showboat who disguised Livi. Most scary scenario, since makes it 3 vs 2 vs 1.

Frostwolf - Has a manager (?). Nothing really confirmed either.

@Geyde if you are showboat who disguised Livi and your partner is Frost, who has a manager, just say it.
I’m not gonna waste more of my time here then, cause it would make 3 vs 3.

If that were the case, you wouldn’t see nearly as much clash between me and Frost. No, I am not scum nor are they.

Besides, I couldn’t have disguised Livi.

You got sig d4, I did d2.

If any of us was mafia, they could disguise Liv, since they died at the end of day 4.

I completely agree with your point on Nerbins, however.