Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

literally it was a fucking mistype. PKR the tryhard bois.

Noz, why you lie bout password. Now you die

you don’t get the joke, do you?

Not at all

Kanye’s phone password is 000000



I leave you alone for ten mins and this is what happens

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Hi Flaming Nugget!


What do we call Eevee and Blue?

Bluechador for Blue

Elite Vank for Eevee?

/confirm haven’t read
Not gonna read for a few hours

Make your wrestler name!

The Infinite Painbringer :slight_smile:

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With color

It’ll be in rainbow I just gotta be at my PC for thst

About right? :slight_smile:

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hey PKR, whats dumb?

What should my name be?

So what happened

also /confirm as curse is gone?