Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

I dunno but all I know is you neut slipped =3

Noz claimed Neut. Vote Noz for free cred
Claimed “Mix”

fella tf. It was a misstype lmao

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Neut claims already?

You sure Noz wasn’t memeing?

Yeah, I’m sure.
If we vote Noz I promise to take all responsibility.

literally it was a misstype, are you really taking that as a slip?

In forum mafia you must take advantage of your enemies’ weaknesses.
If they make even the tiniest mistake you jump.
You jump like it’s the final piece in an all you can eat buffet. Defeat everyone by taking the final piece and locking it up.
You need to earn your victory through hard fought battles. Push past the wasabi in the sushi buffet, get to the good stuff quicker.

pkr you are talking madness. Curb your ego

/Vote Noz

Sorry Nozzy

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Wait what if it was a soft to use for later :thinking:

I claim the worst wrestler ever now protect me since im weak

/vote Noz

Don’t hammer

Oi guys, if its cool uhh do

/sig Celeste in your classcards

Are we close to hammer?



I’m just trying to use examples everyone can understand easily.
This day is mearly a starter in an all you can eat buffet.
To start with you need to serve the food hot and fresh, draw attention to yourself and fight to prove yourself worthy of being a challenger.
If you get past the day you can make it to many better heights, power down to consume more than those around you.
Only the one with the true iron stomach will survive the ordeal.

Feels like it tbh

Then unvoteeee u noob

Haven’t had a vc in a while