Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

I told you noz’s neut slip was real and he had to be NK

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Give a defense first Nerb

We don’t want massclaims

/signature Geyde

/sig Geyde

I did nothing last night.
Is that a good defense?

Noz was a neutral. My predicting skills are impeccable
Neutral killing still uses the word neutral :smiley:

But not a neutral neutral

Okay. What’s NK stand for?
It’s a Neutral alignment with type Killer

I am actually confused as to why I posted that in the first place, because I was sure Noz’s neutral slip was real and he had to be the NK

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I was so sure Noz’s neut slip was real.
Noz is probably super mega pissed at me for jebaiting him AND catching that slip of the hand.
Freud strikes again

Where’s the slip?
I really want to see it.
I’m too lazy to try to find it right now.
You know what screw it I’ll find out.
Actually PKR if you know where it is please quote it.


That was clearly a typo.
Even though he was NK that was 100% a typo.

look at the distance between a and i on the keyboard

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I’ve made dumber typos.

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Luxy shared my point.
When Noz said I, I straight away pushed him, got multiple votes on his wagon and was crying with laughter

Signature votes are to be made in your Class Cards, not here.

@Marluxion has rejoined back into their slot!

You call it predicting, I calll it Intuition