Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

cricket chirps

how did noz die btw?

According to PKR, Noz tried to attack PKR himself and fell for the bait.

Itā€™s ya boi
except town this time

Itā€™s what makes logical sense following the progression of kills.
Those who visited me have my deathnote bar Poisoned due to their role change.

Noz went to directly attack me, which indirectly attacked the others who visited
Squid was one of the people so they got converted by Noz into a Chaotic Stooge who needed to see NK win.
I alerted killing Noz (And a town (Cannot remember which)).
As Noz died, Squid left the game. Reason they donā€™t have my deathnote is, they got healed when attacked by Noz to prevent Squid from dying another way

Wait, I remember this interaction.
Kill on Stooge heals him on the same night.

Aka Geyde is nowhere near confirm and probably lied about being Tag Teamer (?)

I mean it was my theory to begin with, but they went with ā€œIā€™m confirmedā€ so they didnā€™t deny it at all.

@Geyde Watchu gonna say to that, glue boy?

Suspicious indeed, but I know what happened to Geyde

However saying that he confirmed himself from not dying at Squid is a no no

/vote Geyde

Basically VFC although he seem suspicious.

You canā€™t vote until this phase ends, which will end in about 4 more hours

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Oh never mind, I forgot this signature still exists

Reminder to send Signature votes in your Class Card only. Votes made in this thread will NOT be counted.

But I will able to put the vote on Geyde, definitely!

I think we should give signature to Eevee.
Reasoning: Their explanations to me make sense and being attacked due to visiting me with correct results.

My sign is pretty bad early game tbh

Ok. Let me be entriely honest here. Iā€™ve never claimed that I healed them specifically.

Iā€™m Luchador, interpreted on Squid n1. I got back:

Someone tried redirecting your target and nothing else.

ISO me and youā€™ll see that I never claimed healing Squid, just that I visited them.

One might say that I claimed it at one point. I just said there was no feedback for it.

In addition, Iā€™ve been spending most of the game gamesolving. @eevee

Waitā€¦ I just realised I killed literally everyone last night except Alice. O.o
Yo, Math, I know you canā€™t like this but you should read it.
Iā€™m super mega confused as to why you had visited me when you knew what I was.
I believe in you as a skilled player so I suspect you must have been ā€˜redirectedā€™
I killed 4 people. Heels killed Alice.

He wrote he wanted to ensue that Squid visits you.

He forced Squid on you ergo visited both squid and you.

Math, you died for no reason.
Squid didnā€™t even die. Squid was dunked on by me.
We couldā€™ve been town bros

Explain this.
This are comments made from Tag Teamer PoV, not Luchador.

@eevee would you getting a signature be good today/tonight?