Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

Honestly, the more I’m thinking about it, the more I believe Hippo is the Assassin we are looking for. It might be too obvious, like Orange said, but still.

I still believe Frost is Druid, Insanity is the convert and NightX is MM, no contest there for now.

How many more votes needed to pardon off the stand?

Anyways, jokes aside, I think it’s unlikely that I will die tonight.

So I’m very tempted to not claim yet.

But Orange, my love, don’t break my heart </3

then it’s up to you to keep me safe tonight nerd

Why am I suspected tho.

I just got back.

You aren’t. You’re fine
Vulgreed just doesn’t know how to read you yet.

oh yeah


not sold on Frost being inno but do agree that a Parfait lynch is quite probably the better option due to things already said

I assent.

as far as I can tell you are fine

Still, Insanity and Vulgard being compatible is trippy af

Your making yourself even bigger of a target right now, DUH.

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yep, but as you said, I’ll be kept alive by my trusty merc :blush:

Remember, the main reason why Hippo wasn’t a big suspect was because he couldn’t have been converted. But if my theory is correct and Night covered for him, that would make the starting scum team Night and Hippo.

The convert is the main problem here. It could’ve been nearly anyone here. However, I believe Insanity makes the most sense.

I think Celeste should HH someone tonight to prove they’re not Alcoholic, but I’m not enforcing this.

that actually doesn’t prove anything

Tell me why did you think I am the converted one ;-;.

And also, I’m BD. I assume many of you have already read my class.

r u noblesse oblige

Actually, I only suspect you because of some red flags you raised for me earlier. You were “too scummy to be scum” for me at that time. However, I’m now shifting because I shouldn’t lock myself into thinking like that.

Fine Orange, I will keep you alive ;(

And guarding alchemist after your death was tempting idea ;(


so you no longer want me to claim?