Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

I doubt it though

You better doubt it

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These are the claims I remember, tell me if I’m wrong:

Me: Squire
Celeste: Drunk
Parfait/Frost/Hippo: Physician
Sam17z: Sheriff (confirmed)
Tech: Alchemist
Eevee: Mercenary?
Damafaud: Royal
Marluxion: Maid

Wow im not confirmed? Ok, not even an alcoholic/drunk/invoker confirmation

Phys squad where u at?

I think Hippo is the most trustworthy Phys claim right now.

Nah, I want all of em dead

We have to kill them until we get at least one evil.

Frost and Parfait both seem sus to me, and they could both be evil, but all the Phys claims are going to be more credible when there is only 2.

All of them are sus, all 3 of them could be Unseen trying to get at least one to survive so that one would instantly be confirmed and eventually replenish the Unseen’s numbers without any suspicion cast upon them

Lol all 3 Unseen claiming Physician :joy::joy:.

Could actually be a decent strat but problem is if there is 1 real physician you would all be fucked.

I’m confident that Parf is Unseen, and Frost is either Druid or another Phys. We hang Parf and go from there.

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If we lynch Parfait, someone should check Frost in case he’s Druid

Agreed, Orange actually didn’t checked me.


good question

I think


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But I tell you again:

I can’t be Druid because I healed Vulgard and Marl happens to check Insanity and Vulgard, found no vines.

Frost there is no proof that you healed vulgard mate


Either way Eevee, if you really are Merc and manage to get me killed, you probably won’t survive the next day.

Yeah? You are jailed.

Ok but he’s not wrong
