Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

Protect me pls

I mean maid isnt that important so i’ll understand if you dont
but i dont wanna get converted into a loss

They are NON-ROYAL. And we don’t know 2 nobles :stuck_out_tongue:

It can be used to narrow down the list kinda. Just saying. Unless it can’t, but your call.

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You’re focusing too much on the druid then. We have to find the unseen as well… Unless you know who the unseen are? :eyes:


I guess we just need to scum read?

Well at least one of them isn’t a royal.
Also there were two cries at the start of the day, meaning two nobles confirmed ye?


I’ll have the info in my logs if I were to die. I’ll also share them if absolutely necessary in order to prevent a mislynch. This druid won’t be getting away on my watch :policeman:

We will want inactive people to discuss tho.

Like Parfait, Sam, Nerbins.

Yee. We want to hear from each at least once before the game starts.


It is actually Braix.

mfw we call them Brax

Wait what
Before the TRIAL starts.

brain lag :thinking:

Can I ping those people?

I don’t see any rules prohibiting it?

Sure then.

@Parfait @Nerbins @Sam17z @Braixen

Wake up.

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I can only protect myself and ONE other person

Yes, that’s 2 people total, right?

No Im less than one person eevee