Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

If orange saw Sam as Unseen, he is either Assassin/Fool/Scorned target, right?

But if he isn’t Assassin he’d have to frame/be framed n1

I am not going to claim, but I think Orange is either a bad Unseen or fool.

Why are you speaking non-sense man…

Not claiming is stupid.

Just do it.

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It’s nonsence to you, but if you knew my class then it would not be nonsense

Stop soft claim.


There is not a single BD class that is better off not claiming when we have a Drunk.

Then make it non nonsense. Claim Already

The prophecy
(Still sure orange isn’t fool though.)

If we do not know your claim.

To me, it is non-sense.

We have 6 votes on Sam.

Acussed of being Unseen with 6 votes on them.

If not now then when.

When they claim probably

Also if orange is fool I’d feel bad for eevee lmao

Eevee says I am not scummy then votes me. Wow

Claim and he might unvote you

Eevee is a fickle mercenary

Yes I do. What do you expect me to do? Vote Orange?


But like

I’m Sheriff with an Unseen check on you


There’s no way Fool would be protected by Merc.
